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Campiglia Marittima panoramic view Monteverdi Marittimo obtains gastronomic specialities Larderello panoramic view Sassetta panoramic view

Visit the Cornia Valley

  • The area includes along the coastal strip the municipal territory of San Vincenzo and that of Piombino while inland it includes Campiglia Marittima, Suvereto, Sassetta and Monteverdi Marittimo.

  • Curiosity
    The adjective maritime that we so often find associated with villages contrary to what one might think has no relation to the sea but, in the case in point, is equivalent to Maremma and therefore maremmano/a. So for example to mention just one well-known village; Massa Marittima is actually Massa Maremmana by meaning.
    A very short distance from San Vincenzo it is worth visiting Campiglia Marittima.

  • Campiglia Marittima
    Another historic village in the hinterland of the Etruscan Coast, one of the most inhabited, most active and with the largest district. It is perched on a hill from which it overlooks the entire plain as far as Piombino. The center is gathered at the top of the hill within the city walls; there are many charming corners to visit, from the Pieve di San Giovanni to the Church of San Lorenzo dating back to 1200. The squares and stone-paved streets are lined with ancient stores and taverns. Also worth visiting are the Palazzo Pretorio, the Val di Cornia public wine shop and the historic Rocca di Campiglia fortress that occupies the highest part of the town. In the month of August for five consecutive days a series of medieval-casino events are held that would make any other historical cultural event pale in comparison; these events draw tourists from all over the district.

    Other Curiosities
    In the plain between Campiglia and San Vincenzo the final battle took place involving the Florentine troops on one side and the Pisan troops on the other, who were finally swept away along with their aims of independence. It was the year of grace 1505 month of August on the 17th.
    Next to San Vincenzo in the municipality of Venturina we find the Terme di Calidario whose peculiarity lies in the fact that it is a natural pond with a gravelly bottom in a very picturesque setting, nice to dive at sunset or at night better in autumn through a heated internal corridor that allows you to enter and exit.


    Derives from cork, then Cork Grove therefore today the medieval village is called Suvereto. Included in the fifty most beautiful villages in Italy, the pentagon-shaped walls are topped by eight towers that enclose the historic center. Those who wish to immerse themselves in medieval atmospheres once they pass through the first gate will have the feeling of being in another era, a village to visit in the round, perhaps participating in one of the many events.

    Monteverdi Marittimo

    Rising on the southern slope of the metalliferous hills of the Val di Cornia at 360 meters above sea level, it is crossed by numerous streams and the Cornia River. It suffers from little tourism due to ruthless competition from more famous villages, despite this it is a place in which to enjoy an authentic atmosphere.

  • Curiosity

    The name comes from the compound of "Monte" for its location and the well-deserved adjective "Verde," as we have already seen "maritime" means Maremma to validate the geographical position. Worth visiting are the Church of St. Andrew patron saint of Monteverdi and the Castle with the remains of medieval fortifications. In the historic center we find a famous store that a non-vegetarian should visit. Specializing in the production and sale of typical Tuscan products, in particular sliced meats and by-products of wild boar and venison vengno packaged on the spot in vacuum packs for take-out, there is no shortage of all other local delicacies.

    If you have come this far, perhaps you might think of Larderello, some 20 kilometers from Monteverdi.

    A small town shrouded in steam at 390 meters above sea level in the middle of the metalliferous hills. Here we will be able to observe a geothermal phenomenon of the most spectacular that will hardly be forgotten, a circle of hell where Dante took his cue for some passages of the divine comedy. Today these boraciferous puffs are imprisoned in pipes to produce energy but, nearby there are numerous fumaroles left to puff freely for tourist purposes.

    Sassetta Or Saxum

    That is, small rock, a picturesque town perched on a rocky mound 330 meters above sea level and dominated by an ancient medieval fortress. The distance that separates Sassetta from the other villages, the winding roads to reach it and the large spaces available are what characterizes this area, a primitive forested nature to be explored by following paths among expanses of holm oaks and chestnut trees.

    Finally, the area, in addition to its historic centers from the medieval period, is characterized by archaeological areas from the Etruscan period, among which of note are those of Populonia and the Gulf of Baratti to which we have devoted a separate chapter.  Return home or continue exploring the surrounding area.

Suvereto one of the most beautiful villages in Italy Suvereto one of the most beautiful villages in Italy